About Me

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I have 20 years in health care and health management. My career has taken me from health and wellness to career management and workforce development. My passions are helping people in the areas of wellness, healthy living, and challenging others to be the best version of themselves. Wellness and food are dichotomies if ever there was one. Or maybe not. If we eat in moderation, we can pretty much eat anything. I eat healthy most of the time but there are three things for which I do not compromise. 1) Butter 2) Salad dressing 3) Bread There are no substitutes for these. You must eat the good stuff. Just watch how much. And of course, exercise is important. So my advice to all those exercise and diet fanatics: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

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I made some sweet potato biscuits, I'll share that recipe with you next and fun ways to use them. My Pizzelle blog will launch this weekend complete with videos (January 28, 2011).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shirley's Recipe Sans Heavy Cream

I wish they had turned out, I really did. But they just weren't the same without the heavy cream. Shirley suggests that you try it at least once with heavy cream and I did. The second time around with just buttermilk just didn't cut the cake so to speak.

I learned another valuable lesson this time too. I was so rushed to get the recipe in the darn oven that I forgot to integrate the shortning into the recipe. So essentially, there wasn't enough fat in the recipe. Granted, the Buttermilk that I use has 8 grams of fat per 1 cup with 150 calories so there is some fat in there but not enough to make a good biscuit. Most Buttermilk I find in the stores is 1 1/2 % milkfat or 3.5 grams per 1 cup serving. I really like Marburger Farm Dairy out of Evans City, PA. Believe it or not, it's hard to find REAL BUTTERMILK here in Atlanta. I realized it before I put them into the oven so I figured I'd bake them anyways. They were quite spongy. They lacked crumb and real flavor. It somewhat resembled cornbread in looks but not in flavor. So. here I was with two pans of biscuits for breakfast.
The weather has started to cool off a bit so we ate outside with sausage and eggs. We took the smell test to see which one smelled better. The one with shortning or the one without. I felt like the one without shortning had more of a flour smell but Brian and Emily couldn't really determine. So the test was inconclusive.

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