I wish they had turned out, I really did. But they just weren't the same without the heavy cream. Shirley suggests that you try it at least once with heavy cream and I did. The second time around with just buttermilk just didn't cut the cake so to speak.
I learned another valuable lesson this time too. I was so rushed to get the recipe in the darn oven that I forgot to integrate the shortning into the recipe. So essentially, there wasn't enough fat in the recipe. Granted, the Buttermilk that I use has 8 grams of fat per 1 cup with 150 calories so there is some fat in there but not enough to make a good biscuit. Most Buttermilk I find in the stores is 1 1/2 % milkfat or 3.5 grams per 1 cup serving. I really like Marburger Farm Dairy out of Evans City, PA. Believe it or not, it's hard to find REAL BUTTERMILK here in Atlanta. I realized it before I put them into the oven so I figured I'd bake them anyways. They were quite spongy. They lacked crumb and real flavor. It s
omewhat resembled cornbread in looks but not in flavor. So. here I was with two pans of biscuits for breakfast.

The weather has started to cool off a bit so we ate outside with sausage and eggs. We took the smell test to see which one smelled better. The one with shortning or the one without. I felt like the one without shortning had more of a flour smell but Brian and Emily couldn't really determine. So the test was inconclusive.
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